According to Yogi Adityanath, no riot has happened after he became the CM of Uttar Pradesh Do you think this is true? - letsdiskuss
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Brijesh Mishra

Businessman | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

According to Yogi Adityanath, no riot has happened after he became the CM of Uttar Pradesh Do you think this is true?


Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on

Uttar Pradesh is politically a very important state of India. We can’t deny that there have occurred many developments since Yogi Adityanath became the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, but whatever he says about the riots in Uttar Pradesh, not true, according to me.

Let’s see how the legal set up of UP has been in the rule of Yogi Ji.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: The Munsif Daily)

The Bulandsheher SP Murder incident, which shook the whole country, happened in the rule of Yogi Adityanath. In this incident, people collected and formed a mob to beat a police official. He was killed in this incident of mob lynching, and the whole system was mute on that.

One more case of mob lynching occurred when a man was accused of smuggling beef.

During the tri-color journey in Kasgunj, one man was shot dead and another case of mob lynching, executed by the Gowrakshaks came in the forefront.

Although there was no major riot which happened under Adityanath’s rule if we go by the definitions, that doesn’t mean we can overlook such incidents which are harmful to the minorities in the state.