After drinking water my body needs to pee every 10 to 15 minutes. Is there any problem with my body? - letsdiskuss
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neha goyal

neha goyal | Posted on | Health-beauty

After drinking water my body needs to pee every 10 to 15 minutes. Is there any problem with my body?


Mohd  Sameer

| Posted on

Continuous pee, where you want to pee every 10 to 15 minutes in the wake of drinking water, can be characteristic of a few factors, some of which might be connected with your body's well-being. Taking into account the accompanying possibilities is fundamental:




1. Excessive Hydration:

If you are drinking a surprisingly enormous volume of water in a brief period, it can prompt more successive pee. Be aware of your liquid admission.


2. Overactive Bladder:

Overactive bladder (OAB) is an ailment where the bladder contracts automatically, causing continuous and earnest pee. It very well may be connected with different elements, including age, diet, and ailments.


3. Diabetes:

High glucose levels in conditions like uncontrolled diabetes can prompt expanded pee, a side effect known as polyuria. On the off chance that you have other diabetes side effects like exorbitant thirst and craving, counsel a medical care proficient.


4. Urinary Parcel Disease (UTI):

UTIs can prompt expanded urinary recurrence and uneasiness. If you experience torment or consuming sensation while peeing, see a specialist.

5. Medications:

Certain drugs and diuretics can increase pee creation. Audit your medicine list and counsel your medical care supplier on the off chance that you suspect this might be the reason.


6. Bladder Aggravations:

A few food varieties and drinks (e.g., caffeine, liquor, fiery food sources) can bother the bladder, prompting more regular pee.


7. Stress and Uneasiness:

High feelings of anxiety can prompt elevated awareness in the bladder, causing more successive pee.


If regular pee perseveres and is causing concern or disturbing your everyday existence, counseling a medical services professional is prudent. They can perform tests, including urinalysis and blood tests, to recognize the hidden reason. Try not to disregard determined side effects, as early analysis and treatment can help oversee and possibly resolve the issue.