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Brij Gupta

Optician | Posted on | Astrology

Are the colors that we should wear pre-decided according to the days of the week?


Working with Maruti Suzuki | Posted on

Colors themselves are the projection of energy around us and affects our mood. So yes, according to astrology, there are some prescribed colors that you should wear on the specific days of the week.

On every day of the week, we worship different gods and goddesses, and the colors prescribed for the days that we should wear depends on the worship of a specific god on a specific day.

Monday: We worship lord Shiva on Monday. And we know that the abode of lord shiva is Mount Kailash, which is covered with white snow. So the color that is to be worn on Monday is White.

Tuesday: It is the day of lord Hanuman and he’s associated with is Orange. So it is advised to wear Orange on Tuesday.

Wednesday: We worship goddess Saraswati on Wednesday, and it is auspicious to wear White or Green.

Thursday: Being the day of lord Vishnu, we should wear Yellow on Thursday.

Friday: Friday is the day of goddess Santoshi and goddess Laxmi. It is auspicious to wear Red or Cream color on this day.

Saturday: On Saturdy, we worship Shanideva. Black color is prescribed for this day.

Sunday: Sunday is the day of worshiping the Sun god or Surya Deva, hence you can wear the clothes of Dark Red or Maroon color.

(Translated from Hindi by Team LetsDiskuss)