Are the Covid-19 Pandemic Social Distancing Measures in effect sufficient to contain the Pandemic? - letsdiskuss
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Khushboo Gupta

HR Executive | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Are the Covid-19 Pandemic Social Distancing Measures in effect sufficient to contain the Pandemic?


Healer, writer | Posted on

Let's first look at just one of the Covid-19 pandemic social distancing measures which from the scientific/medical viewpoint is logical and can be absolutely effective, thereby reducing the spread of infection. And that is to wear a mask at all times anywhere in a public place. Proof of that is in the countries that have conquered the pandemic with the very same Covid-19 pandemic social distancing measure. And having said that why the numbers in the spreading infection on the rise here in India seems an obvious question that begs an explanation.
Well, on the one hand, there is the blatant disregard for the recommended Covid-19 pandemic social distancing measures. This blatant disregard and flaunting of the law is hurting even the innocents, who adhere to the legal precautionary measures. We see it on the streets, in any public place and it is appalling and the law needs to be enforced, possibly with a bit of education, rather than fines, that are exploited and is more like extortion.
The disregard is on the one hand out of ignorance of the potentially fatal consequences, and on the other, the sheer ridiculousness of the enforcement of this law. For instance, penalizing a person driving alone in their car with all windows closed is stretching the imagination. Would a person driving alone in a car, with all windows closed, spread infection or contract it himself? That is tantamount to a man wearing a ***** when he is all alone in bed. All said and done the recommendations for Covid-19 pandemic social distancing measures in effect are sufficient to contain the pandemic. But the authorities ought to work towards educating people of the dire situation, rather than on the one hand insulting people’s intelligence, and on the other exploiting people for no crime.