Are there any pictures of the Earth taken from the moon? - letsdiskuss
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Are there any pictures of the Earth taken from the moon?


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Yes, there are iconic filmlands of the Earth taken from the moon. One of the most notorious images is known as" Earthrise," captured by Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders on December 24, 1968. This major snap shows the Earth rising above the lunar horizon, revealing the Earth's beauty and fragility from the perspective of the moon.

Another significant image is the" Blue Marble" snap taken by the Apollo 17 charge in 1972. Astronaut Harrison Schmitt mugged the Earth from a distance of about 29,000 kilometers, showcasing the entire globe bathed in sun against the hugeness of space. The Blue Marble image became an iconic symbol of Earth's interconnectedness and environmental mindfulness.

These images hold profound significance, offering a unique and admiration-inspiring view of our earth from the moon — a perspective that emphasizes the concinnity and vulnerability of Earth. These photos continue to inspire a sense of wonder and appreciation for the Earth's delicate beauty and the significance of environmental stewardship.


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