Are those Indian websites trustworthy who says they will pay you if you just watch advertisements? Can people really make money like that? - letsdiskuss
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Ram kumar

Technical executive - Intarvo technologies | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Are those Indian websites trustworthy who says they will pay you if you just watch advertisements? Can people really make money like that?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Well, what these websites really do is follow the simple advertisement model of Pay Per View. Here’s how it works. Big (and small) companies/brands pay for online ads to different advertisement networks. Now these networks through their wide distribution channels connect these companies to different publishers. When publisher show the companies’ ads on their platform, they receive money from the advertisement network. That network in return gets money from that company. Of course, in between these transactions, the network cuts a big profit.

Now what websites you’re referring to can be either of these:

· The network itself, who is displaying you the ads and paying. That means the flow of money is somewhat like this—from company to network to you.

· The publisher, who is displaying you the ad on its platform and paying. That means the flow of money is somewhat like this—from company to network to publisher to you.

As you can see, in the second case, the chain of payment is long with two middlemen between you and the primary company. Meaning, you would get paid much (much!) less than in the first case.

At large, in this Pay Per View advertisement model, the payment is very low. Also, there’s a big room for fraudulent. Who knows how much the publisher is making. And if it’s going to pay you or not!

Yes, you can make money. And this model is trustworthy. But here are two things you need to know: one, always choose a website that has a good reputation. Second, just let the video play if you have good internet connection, and do your daily thing. You can make decent amount of money.
