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8 Ways to Be More Confident Live the Life of Your Dreams


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Are you high functioning at school, college, or in your career, but dysfunctional with food? I was.

I’ve always been ambitious. I see things, and I wanna do them too, even better!

It’s a powerful trait, but unruly—like living with a big dog. Sometimes it strains on its leash and pulls you along further than you thought you’d go. And sometimes it knocks you onto

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Despite everything I have the diary section that started my adventure into limit setting. It says, in striking dark pen, "I wish I could talk my reality. On the off chance that I can figure out how to talk my fact before I pass on, I will kick the bucket a cheerful lady."

Sensational? Perhaps. However, I was worn out on being a sucker, an accommodating person.

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Blogger | Posted

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Despite everything I have the diary section that started my adventure into limit setting. It says, in striking dark pen, "I wish I could talk my reality. On the off chance that I can figure out how to talk my fact before I pass on, I will kick the bucket a cheerful lady."

Sensational? Perhaps. However, I was worn out on being a sucker, an accommodating person.

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At the age of nine, I was sitting in a doctor’s office at Baylor University with both of my parents when we were all told I wouldn’t live to see twenty-three. The doctor casually told us my dad would probably never get to walk me down the aisle and I’d likely never make my mom a grandmother, but there was great chicken pot pie in the cafeteria on the first floor.

Enjoy the rest

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For by far most of my life I didn't trust I could do a large portion of the things I needed to do.

I realized I needed to be seeing someone, I expected that in the event that I got into one I'd accomplish something to destroy it.

I needed to perform on Broadway, yet notwithstanding moving to New York City didn't give me the bravery to try out.

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