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Blogger | Posted | Science-Technology

Content Marketing Mistakes That Are Killing Your Entire SEO Strategy


Blogger | Posted

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Email is such a staple of modern marketing, that it’s amazing to think there are companies that are relatively passive to the whole idea of it.

A strong email marketing campaign can be the single greatest lead generation opportunity your company takes this year; do that several times a year, and you’re golden.

As straightforward as email marketing might seem, t

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Blogger | Posted

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Regardless of what industry you work in, it’s no surprise that a strong relationship with your clients is crucial to your success and their success.

And while managing the client relationship can sometimes be overwhelming, frustrating, and time-consuming, exercising these four things can make the relationship a whole lot more enjoyable for everyone.

Here are fo

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Blogger | Posted

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Are you writing readable content?

It may seem like a silly question, but readability needs to factor into everything you write, from the shortest social media tweet to the most comprehensive whitepaper. If your audience doesn’t understand what you’re saying, you’re going to lose them to someone who says it better.

Most experts and marketers agree that when writin

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Blogger | Posted

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In any technology-focused industry, it’s important to continuously build new skills.

Companies that do business online need to embrace that culture of continuous improvement, too. Conventional wisdom in sales, marketing, and operations should be constantly re-evaluated.

That is especially true if you want to prepare your enterprise to do things the inbound way.

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Blogger | Posted

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Did you know that more than 40% of a business’ revenue is captured through organic traffic?

That’s why the majority of businesses are spending up to $5,000 per month on SEO.

But there’s a problem: If you’re not creating content that drives your target audience and convinces them to stick around, working your way up to position one will be a tough slog–meaning y

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