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Preeti Taneja

Entrepreneur | Posted | Share-Market-Finance

Personal Finance


Entrepreneur | Posted

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You can’t make a million overnight (not even in the crypto market). It requires a thorough planning, lot of work and consistency. Ask those rich people, they would give you the same answer. They are rich not necessarily because they work the hardest – but because they are smart enough to pick up right habits that accrue, grow and sustain them money in the most efficient manner.

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Entrepreneur | Posted

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I believe every aspect of personal finance is equally important. They work in conjunction. Yes, it can be overwhelming, but if you’re a beginner in this area, there are more than a handful of things you must keep in mind—at least to get the right results.

However, but since you have asked, here are 10 crucial personal finance tips that I wish someone gave to me a deca

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Entrepreneur | Posted

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Contrary to the popular belief, Indian tax law has always been extremely lenient to the tax payers. And this fact is clearer to all the savvy investors who, every year, manage to save a large part of their income tax by legal means.

Whether you’re an investor or not, belong to the middle-class or wealthy-class, if you’re a tax payer in India, it’s important you know abo

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