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Rohit Vashisht

Blogger | Posted | Health-beauty

Health Care Blog


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Hair fall, premature greying, dry scalp, dandruff and many more are some of the most common hair problems that a person has to face in their life. But do you know there is one natural product that can make all these hair problems resolved and will promote the hair growth as well? Yes! You heard it right, a natural product called

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For the patients who are dealing with acute liver failure, end-stage liver disease, and other such diseases related to the liver, they need to get the liver transplant done.

The liver transplantation is a process where a damaged or a diseased liver is replaced with a healthy liver.

The healthy liver is donated by someone, and then only the liver transplantati

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Blogger | Posted

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Cancer is one of the leading causes of unnatural death in the world, and the fourth most common type of cancer is blood cancer. Blood cancer treatment is still one of the few medical procedures that high a high chance of failure or relapse.

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