Can a vegan diet cause lupus patient to go into remission? - letsdiskuss
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Hafiz Muhammad

Experienced Guest Blogger at Fiverr | Posted on | Health-beauty

Can a vegan diet cause lupus patient to go into remission?


CHIEF EXECUTIVE, Creativekart, Experienced writer, blogger | Posted on

There are no specific foods that can cause Lupus still nutrition plays an important role in managing this disease. It is recommended people suffering from Lupus opt for a well-balanced diet rich in fruits,vegetables and grains and low in fat. Lupus is an inflammatory disease. Therefore, any food that fights inflammation can reduce its symptoms. Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants can help in treating inflammation. Patients switching to vegan diet reported reduction of pain. The Lupus foundation of America recommends a well-balanced nutritious food for Lupus patients and no special diet can be charted for them. However, patients should avoid Alfalafa.


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