Can any boxer surpass Mayweather-s record of 50-0? - letsdiskuss
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John Colson

@letsuser | Posted on | Sports

Can any boxer surpass Mayweather-s record of 50-0?


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Flyod Mayweather is not just an undefeated boxer but also, he is a promoter, he’s a businessman, he has a great personality that pulls audience, he’s a speaker, he knows how to play with audience and he holds the remarkable half-century record of 50-0.

But the records are made to be broken and this exceptional record is being chased by Thailand's Wanheng Menayothin, a world champion with a 49-0 record who is also known as the 'dwarf giant' is just one win away to equalling boxing champion Flyod Mayweather's undeafeated 50-0 win-loss record.

Wanheng Menayothin, holds a legitimate world title and has a 49-0 win-loss record, the best numbers that any current world champion can boast. However, the most of the fights in which did he bout were in his home country, against mainly not well known Asian contenders.

Not everyone knows his name but he is on the track to equalling Mayweather's record. The 32-year-old Thai boxer who measures 5 feet 2 inches in height and weighs 47.6 kg will have 50th bout in April or may this year and experts are saying he has a hunger to win and seems very fit and has stamina not to give up. The world champion has registered 17 knockout victories in his journey so far that itself a record.



Blogger | Posted on

Floyd Mayweather's staggering 50-0 boxing record has been outdone, at least in numerical terms, by Thailand's Wanheng Menayothin.


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Floyd Mayweather's record in peril after Wanheng Menayothin moves to 50-0. Floyd Mayweather's most cherished record is no longer his alone.