Can I call extramarital affair as triangle love? - letsdiskuss
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Rahul Mehra

System Analyst (Wipro) | Posted on | entertainment

Can I call extramarital affair as triangle love?


Student | Posted on

Let us first know, how is an affair defined? Typically, it is defined as an affair that is considered to be a betrayal of trust. An extramarital affair is an affair in a marriage with a third person. Sometimes, when a couple grows emotionally detached from each other due to the lache of communication with each other and the lack of time and then eventually finds oneself attached with another person, starts an emotional bond and that leads to an extramarital affair.


Let us come to a love scene, which is a very sustained emotional or/and sexual attachment between two people but where one of them is already in a committed relationship with another person. Thereby a love triangle is one of the more complicated psychological relationship issues and yet it is very common these days.

But the common thing about these two is that one is always cheated upon. Both of them differ in a way, an extramarital affair is always in a marriage where the betrayal is very strong. The love triangle doesn't always be in a marriage. But cheating on someone is never ethical. In case you are not happy with your partner, then talk with them, try to sort out, and even to an extent, move to court for divorce or have a breakup. Later you can have another relationship, you are free to have an emotional attachment, then no one is being cheated. There is no heartbreak, no betrayal. You are also ethically right. Thus to conclude, to an extent, extramarital relations are a kind of love triangle but the matter is different.


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