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varma R

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Can we grow sandle wood trees on big plant bags


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Developing Sandalwood tree is very simple. Get a sapling from bona fide nursery source. The plant requires great daylight and will in general develop vertically, instead of in size and stretches around 30 feet in stature and 7 to 12 crawls in measurement. It along these lines develops well in littler spaces as well.

The tree begins blossoming after around seven years, and the tree trunk creates fragrant heartwood following 10 years. The famous sandalwood sweet-smelling oil is available in this heartwood just and one needs to bring down the tree all together gather that sweet-smelling heartwood.
In India, developing sandalwood by people was prohibited until 2002. Today, we can develop the trees yet it is illicit to cut and gather the wood, use it or offer it in the open market. Authorization is required from the state timberland division, which sends its authorities to cut the tree and purchase the sandalwood.


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Prohibition on reaping

Developing sandalwood by people was restricted until 2002. Today, we can develop the trees yet it is unlawful to cut and gather the wood, use it or sell it in the open market. Authorization is required from the state timberland office, which sends its authorities to cut the tree and purchase the sandalwood.