Despite being one of the oldest religions, why is Hinduism confined only to India mainly? - letsdiskuss
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ravi singh

teacher | Posted on | Education

Despite being one of the oldest religions, why is Hinduism confined only to India mainly?


teacher | Posted on

Three reasons.

1. Hinduism didn't have a plan of change. Never did Hinduism consider getting more individuals into its overlay. Hinduism trusted in nature of its followers not amount.

2. Hinduism didn't have evangelists like Christianity whose particular capacity was to change over individuals.

3. Hinduism didn't have savage trespassers who executed honest people in the event that they didn't change over.

Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma started in India and remained in India. The Chola rulers wandered out into Indonesia and we have Hinduism drilled there as well. Other than that Hinduism liked to remain in india. Hinduism is a quiet religion. No stunts of evangelism and no dangers to change over individuals. So it stayed in India.
