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Rohan Chauhan

Financial analyst (Mudra finance company) | Posted on | Astrology

Despite so much hard work, I don-t get best of results? Are these my past karmas?


@letsuser | Posted on

My extraordinary granddad was an extreme man who invested wholeheartedly working his property.

A portion of his neighbors were desirous of him since his property created plentiful yields. However, there were NO concealed privileged insights to his cultivating aptitudes; his lone bit of leeway was difficult work.

The more land he worked, the more harvests he would procure.

There was a straight connection between difficult work and results.

At the point when my granddad was conceived and grew up to support his dad, he began working the land. The two of them worked unlimited hours until one day my granddad chose to move to the city.

Following quite a while of setting aside cash, he figured out how to purchase a truck. He began moving development materials around town.

Difficult work was as yet required, yet now the conveyed estimation of his work expanded as he could convey tremendous measures of materials to different nearby places of work.


Writer | Posted on

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Don’t put the blame on Karma. Often times when we feel like we’re doing enough to achieve our goals, in reality we are not. Blindly working hard is not the solution to getting optimum results. You also need to focus on working smartly in today’s world. Maybe you’re doing something wrong that you haven’t consciously realized. My suggestion to you would to try a different approach towards what ever it is that you’re trying to achieve. If its regarding studies, maybe try a different way of studying, there are multiple options available online, join a study group or watch online lectures and tutorials. If it is about work, try to be more organized and prioritize the work you need to do first, manage your time well, and try to keep your self motivated through various means. And in the end, if despite all the efforts something doesn’t go your way, learn to move on. If a door doesn’t open for you, its not your door. Focus on channeling your energies towards something that will give you a confidence boost, and something that you know you’re good at. That way, you’ll be refreshed and with your esteem boosted you can try again with all your might. Good Luck!