Student | Posted on
Cholesterol has become one of the measure issue in recent times. People eat to much oily food and then they serious health problem but if you use limited oil in your food it will always be in neutral.The saturated fat in oil is 14 grams so the lower the saturated fat the higher the healthy oil will be and you can use that oil in your daily life.So always select the oil which will be low in saturated fat.
Read this:- How to reduce fat ? | Posted on
There are three types of fat:Saturated fats,UnSaturated fats,Transfat.Saturated fats come from animal products.Saturated fats can add flavor to dish, but when it could be in small amounts.Saturated fats are commonly found in butter, whole milk, yogurt, cheese, coconut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oils. Saturated fats are unhealthy fats can raise bad cholestrol and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.The best heart-healthy cooking oils are those which contains lower saturated fats.Choose healthy oil for good health.We can choose the oil healthy oil on the basis of smoke point. Smoke point is the temperature that causes oil to start smoking, which produces toxic fumes and free radicals.Olive oils are a heart-healthy choice. They are high in antioxidants and omega-9 fatty acid.Use olive oils,almond oil for cooking.Olive Oils are more stable during heating(smoke point), making them excellent for all cooking methods.
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