Do dark circles disappear when you get a good night sleep? - letsdiskuss
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shweta rajput

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Do dark circles disappear when you get a good night sleep?


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Hey, are you suffering from the dark circle problem? Those are irritating, right? The dark circles around your eyes often hamper your personality and you may feel low confidence. You may not feel uneasy facing anyone with dark patches around your eyes.

What are dark circles?
Dark circles look exactly as they sound. You may often notice dark or black patches immediately below the eyes or surrounding your eyes. These noticeable patches are nothing but signs of dark circles. You may also observe the puffiness underneath your eyes and later they become dark or black patches right below your eyes. Many people or doctors call it dark under-eye circles.
These dark circles or black patches disturb the skin color or texture. How? Well, your skin color gets disturbed or uneven due to the occurrence of dark under-eye circles.
Causes of dark circles:
People get panicked when they see dark patches or dark shadows around or underneath their eyes. Yes, sometimes these dark circles are also noticeable above your eyes too in a way that it surrounds all over your eyes circularly. Do not think that this issue is gender-specific. No, anyone can have it irrespective of male hormone or female hormone.
Are you a job goer? You need to face too much stress nowadays, right! Or you may need to be busy with your office work most of the time, right! Well, stress, a popular factor that is responsible for the occurrence of dark circles under your eyes. Not only in the workplace, but there can also be several issues in your family life for which you become anxious or stressed. The dark patches or circles are not noticeable all at once. They occur slowly as your sleep gets disturbed or hampered because of taking too much stress.
A sound sleep is very important!
You may try several medicines or external cosmetics. But remember that all these will not work properly unless you try for a sound sleep. Try to sleep peacefully and reduce your dark circles slowly. So dark circles start disappearing when you get at least 7 to 8 hours' sleep at night. Because quality and quantity sleep removes tiredness, fatigue helps your skin look refreshing. So no question of dark circles with a good night's sleep.