Do I need to wash hair with shampoo before applying henna? - letsdiskuss
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Vijay Singh

Health and Fitness Adviser | Posted on | Health-beauty

Do I need to wash hair with shampoo before applying henna?


Seo Executive | Posted on

henna buildup just by shampooing your hair. Henna glue is made out of henna powder, and if any of it is left in your hair for long, it will dry to the point that when you brush your hair, it will put on a show of being powder and spread all over your garments. Plus, henna glue truly sticks to the hair once dry. It's difficult to evacuate with simply water since it winds up obstinate. It will leave a slight stickiness on your hair in the event that you evacuate it with just a great deal of water and no cleanser.


Blogger | Posted on

Henna is a characteristic natural powder utilized for shading hair. ... Stage 2: Before you apply henna, wash your hair with a mellow cleanser to clean your hair and scalp (don't utilize conditioner as it can forestall entrance of henna) and dry your hair.