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Chandan Naiya

Blogger | Posted on | Astrology

Do scientists believe in astrology?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

NO!! Given the lack of practical explanation and non-conclusive researches, science doesn’t believe in astrology.

In addition, many studies have happened on this premise where the contributors have openly settled that astrology and science have no scientific correlation whatsoever.

An article on the website of the University of California, Berkley, titled ‘Astrology: Is it scientific’ concludes— “Scientific studies involving astrology have stopped after attempting and failing to establish the validity of astrological ideas. So far, there are no documented cases of astrology contributing to a new scientific discovery.”


That being said, astrologers around the world continue to argue that their branch of study does, indeed, fall within the concepts of science.

Honestly, astrology has more to do with personal and religious belief. For instance, it’s just like the concept karma. Whether you think it is true or not depends on your own personal thoughts, understandings, and theories.

I do, sometimes, read horoscopes. And it does affect my conscious. But then I don’t blindly follow what it says and hope my days would go exactly like that.

Similarly to you and me, while Science has never believed in astrology, scientists can have their own personal views and opinions on the subject. For instance, it’s not hard to believe that Indian scientists believe in Astrology. There have been few stories that suggest that Aryabhata and Pythagoras believed in Astrologer. (Don’t quote me on this; not sure how much of it is propaganda.)

So, to answer your exact question— the majority of scientists do NOT believe in astrology. Assumingly, depending on their beliefs and background, some of them can believe in this.


As for science, NO, it doesn’t validate astrology. But then that, in itself, isn’t sufficient to trash the existence and relevance of astrology. I mean, science also fails to explain why we sleep, how does gravity work, and what the dark matter is made of. So, we can’t always rely on it to seek approvals of our beliefs.


blogger | Posted on

Yes, few scientists believe, but a majority don’t. The famous names come to my mind are of Pythagoras and Aryabhata. Both were great mathematician and scientist. In the past during the height of Indus civilization and ancient Greek civilization, many scientists and mathematicians believed in it. But in today’s world, I doubt they believe.

Some people say in Indus Valley civilization the development of mathematics happened because of Astrology. To predict more accurately about future, mathematics came into picture and so the number systems.

In the past, astronomers used to be good astrologers.


Blogger | Posted on

Scientist never believe in astrology.