Do you think Sundaram Multi Pap Stock is good to invest in? - letsdiskuss
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Rohan Chauhan

Financial analyst (Mudra finance company) | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

Do you think Sundaram Multi Pap Stock is good to invest in?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Let’s first talk broadly and logically. While the paper stationery industry is still thriving around the world, the demand for such products has been consistently going down. And as more and more offices and educational institutions go digital in the coming days, the demand for such products will go down even further. So, the logic says, investing money in this industry doesn’t seem like a feasible idea for the long term. In short, if you’re really looking to invest your money somewhere and enjoy consistent return, in the long run, the stationery industry isn’t your go-to. Personally speaking, pharma, auto and IT will always be my first choices.

Now coming to your exact question, if you’re willing to invest your money in this industry, Sundaram Multi Pap stock is possibly one of the best options in India. The shares of this company have been performing consistently good in the past year. Even in difficult time a few months back, it traded well. One of the best things about this company is its management. Again, my own personal opinion tells that they have some very qualified professionals in charge of things. No wonder, it has been decently growing over the course, adding many new and different kinds of products to its portfolio.

In short, even when not very hyped about this industry, I am fairly positive about Sundaram Multi Pap Stock. If you want to diversify your portfolio, go for it!