Do you think that women are misusing the banner of feminism? - letsdiskuss
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Brijesh Mishra

Businessman | Posted on | others

Do you think that women are misusing the banner of feminism?


B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on

I also agree with you. The over-promotion of feminism has given rise to several definitions of it, and it has also created the categories pseudo-feminists and feminazis.


I don't say that every thing is perfectly fine with women, and that patriarchy or sexism have been curbed totally, but that does not mean we start punishing men who do not practice such things. Many men these days even call themselves feminists, but all they get to hear is "all men are the same".

This is the reason why men these days are afraid of the word feminism and of feminists too. This makes them disrespect even those girls who are just professing equal rights, and not another round of inequality. We really need to change our ways from both the sides.


Financial analyst (Mudra finance company) | Posted on

I totally agree with your statement/question. My agreement is not due to any theory that I may have read, but due to my firsthand experience.

Metro seat reservation are the best to test how greatly feminism, women’s rights, and the idea of reservation for women have been misunderstood.


According to me, reservations are for needy, so asking for the right of sitting on the seats (not only the reserved ones, but also the general ones) in metros and buses, even when you just have to travel for one or two stations, and other person is making a very long journey is not feminism but double standards.

On one hand, you ask for equality and keep on claiming that women are as strong as men, but when it comes to getting seats in metros and having to stand for a little too long, women suddenly become “the weaker sex”. They themselves play on the idea that men are stronger than men, only to mold the situation according to their own convenience.

The false cases of sexual harassment is another example of the misuse of the banner of feminism by women.

At last, I would like to say that women themselves are not ready for the equality they keep shouting for. They themselves are confused with what exactly they want, and they are unable to use the new powers and rights given to them in a right direction.