Do you think the omicron is 3rd wave of Covid-19, should we prepare yourself for lockdown? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

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Do you think the omicron is 3rd wave of Covid-19, should we prepare yourself for lockdown?


Corona Omicron Variety: The advent of the Omicron, a new variant of Covid, has become a fresh source of concern around the world. Concern". The variety, which is thought to be more contagious than earlier strains, was initially discovered in South Africa and labelled by the World Health Organization as a "variant of concern" (WHO). Aside from South Africa, the Omicron variety has been found in Germany, Israel, Australia, and other nations. The speed with which it is spreading has alarmed scientists, who fear that this new strain will spark epidemics in other countries and devastate health systems once more.


Will the third wave of Corona be triggered by Omicron?

It is too early to say whether the third wave is approaching, according to Indian health experts. However, given the negligence shown in India in recent months, the omicron may have a negative impact if it comes to this country.

People must realise that Covid proper behaviour and immunisation are really the only strategies to avoid becoming infected with this variation "Senior Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, New Delhi, Animesh Arya stated.

Regarding the third wave, be cautious.

But even though the wave theory is somewhat hazy since virus activity is hard to predict, it is best to be ready. Although the decrease in infection rates in India is encouraging, it should not be seen as a justification to relax our guard. No care system in the world can handle a big number of individuals needing critical care at the same time if the numbers suddenly rise. We must use this opportunity to improve our healthcare facilities and ensure the supply of drugs, oxygen, and hospital instruments.

To fight the battle against by the pandemic, the basic methods must be maintained and intensified:

a. Improve vaccination rates as rapidly as possible.

b. Keep increasing testing, tracking, and tracing of infected people, isolate infected people, quarantine people who have come into contact with confirmed samples, and take all necessary steps to break the chain.

c. Severely limit social mixing by ensuring physical separation, imposing restrictions on travel, closing schools and offices, prohibiting public gatherings, and so on.


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