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Aditya Singla

Marketing Manager (Nestle) | Posted on | Astrology

Does the place where our house is situated, decide our success and failures?


Student ( Makhan Lal Chaturvedi University ,Bhopal) | Posted on

Success of a person is defined by his own persona. It is said that success is of the same color as the person himself. After a person becomes successful, no one cares about his past. All that matters then, is his present. A successful person completes what an unsuccessful one leaves in the mid-way and runs away. This is the identification of a successful person.

Vastu Shastra, horoscope, future prediction, the lines of your palms, the believers believe in all these because they have faith. Their faith actually, is more on these things than on themselves. And sometimes, their belief and faith is correct. According to these beliefs and faith, every thing has been given a place and position.

Someone actually said that the place of your house can determine your success. Following things should always be taken care of whenever you are thinking of buying or building your house:

1. Where there lives an officer, you should build your house. In such places, you keep getting new information and news of some policies.
2. If you make your house where there is a river flowing, you will be in touch of nature and pure environment.
3. Always live where there is a doctor in the vicinity. This will facilitate you in the times of medical emergencies.
4. Where someone who has knowledge and wealth lives. It will help you in terms of various resources.
