Donald Trump was right in calling African countries “Shithole” If you don’t agree, would you be willing to migrate to those countries? - letsdiskuss
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Sammy Williams

@letsuser | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Donald Trump was right in calling African countries “Shithole” If you don’t agree, would you be willing to migrate to those countries?


@letsuser | Posted on

Indeed many African countries are struggling with poverty and economic warfare. However, there are many of them who are exceptionally beautiful—some of the most beautiful cities in the world, in fact. Cape Town, Kigali, Luxor, Zanzibar, Lamu and many more…

Understand beauty doesn’t come from technology advancement. It comes from the culture, people and Mother Nature! The mentioned places are much more beautiful than many cities and states of USA. I would happy to trade my house from here to there. But then again, why should I? Just because I disagree with someone’s obnoxious views – and criticize them – doesn’t mean I have to leave my home.

Donald Trump is an ***** who has no clue what’s going on around him. He’s an individual who grew in the midst of white privilege. Anything that’s less than his riches would be a “shithole” to him. So if you aren’t living in mansion yourself and aren’t riding a BMW, you should too be offended with what he said. His statement isn’t really against African countries. His comment is directed to those who aren’t filthy rich like him.

African countries aren’t rich. But like mentioned, many of them are very beautiful. I would love to go there someday. But I won’t on someone else’s terms. This is my home!!!


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