How can I get healthy and shiny hair? - letsdiskuss
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Engineer,IBM | Posted on | Health-beauty

How can I get healthy and shiny hair?


Fashion enthusiast | Posted on


Getting shiny hair sans split ends and damage are every woman’s dream. Doesn’t matter if you have straight or curly, long or short hair. A head full of healthy locks should be your priority. And getting to it is no mean task. All you need, are some common household products, and some time and you’ll be good to go!

  • Try oiling your hair the night before washing to prevent it from being dry. Coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, lavender oil, there are so many options to choose from.
  • Putting egg is known to give you shiny hair because the protein in egg helps nourish your follicles and increases its sheen.
  • You can also apply yoghurt in place of egg.
  • Wash hair with luke warm water and then give it a final rinse with cold water. This will lock the follicles and give your hair a shiny appearance.
  • Make hair packs for conditioning at home. There are many recipes available on the internet that use simple goods that you can find in your own kitchen.
  • Regularly trim your hair. Having split ends can give you a dull and dry appearance.
  • Incorporate green vegetables and lean protein like fish, chicken, eggs etc in your diet.


Blogger | Posted on

Using banana and aloe vera as hair pack will make your hair feeling nourished and moisturized. It reduces frizz and soothes an irritated scalp with the regular use.


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The sun isn't any kinder to your hair than it is to your skin. Sun exposure will dry out hair, particularly if it's color-treated. Use a light-weight hairspray with broad-spectrum sun protection or wear a hat once the sun is strongest. Frequent summer trims will keep your ends looking healthy.


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Curd for straight hair

Instead of applying synthetic product for hair straightening, you can opt for homemade formulas which rarely harms. Massage with curd on clean scalp and it after half an hour. Repeat it twice in a month for healthy and straight hair.


Blogger | Posted on


Few general tips are,

Never comb your hair after oiling and on wet hair.
Keep your hair clean (wash thrice a week)
Comb your hair (from root to tip) at least two times a day
Try to avoid drying your hair using hot air blowers.
Avoid undergoing procedures like rebounding, pumming etc, as it damages your hair
For coloring of hair, try to use natural dyes.
To improve the quality of hair have a protein rich diet.


student | Posted on

Most people will tell you to apply this and that. But, it is really worth it? It is good to use good products on hair. But, the growth of hairs also depends on the diet you are taking. Taking a Healthy diet enriched with vitamins and minerals also supports you internally which results in healthy hairs.


@letsuser | Posted on

Scarcely any broad tips are,

Never brush your hair subsequent to oiling and on wet hair.

Keep your hair clean (wash thrice seven days)

Brush your hair (from root to tip) something like two times each day

Attempt to abstain from drying your hair utilizing tourist blowers.

Abstain from experiencing methodology like bouncing back, pumming and so forth, as it harms your hair

For shading of hair, endeavor to utilize regular colors.

To enhance the nature of hair have a protein rich eating regimen.


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In order to get healthy and shiny hair, you have to take a proper diet which is helpful for hair. But, nowadays one more problem is also to pray that is pollution an important role that affects the health of your hair. No one knows how to get proper preventation from this problem. In order to overcome this problem, you have to take consult from the best hair transplant surgeon. Please once consult Dr. Mayank Singh who is practiced in Delhi is the well- known hair transplant surgeon in Delhi.


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Wash your hair the correct way

The cleanser jug may state, "foam, wash, rehash," however that formula is certainly not for everybody (or even the vast majority). For the most advantageous looking locks, make a point to cleanser your hair twice (indeed, you read that right). Rocco says that the principal cleanser is for purging the scalp and hair of develop, and the second fills in as to a greater extent a treatment. Furthermore, he says that when your applying your cleanser and conditioner, you should give yourself a delicate back rub. The development animates blood-stream to the scalp, which carries fresh recruits cells to the region and revives the hair's underlying foundations. Furthermore, it's essential to be delicate since hair is at its most defenseless when it's wet and its fingernail skin are open.
Additionally, on the off chance that you've heard that giving your hair a last wash with cold water will leave it extra-gleaming, disregard that: Studies show that the chilly water-flush hypothesis is a fanciful story, so spare yourself from ice temperatures and keep up warm-to-tepid water.
Skip sparkling splashes and pick oils
While you may imagine that spritzing on a bit of shining shower is a fast method to sparkle up your locks, you could really be accomplishing more damage than anything else. Numerous hair showers that guarantee to add a little shimmer to your mane incorporate mica, a mineral that will for sure make you sparkle for the time being, yet can likewise mess up the hair shaft and neutralize your characteristic glimmer after some time. Rather, Rocco prescribes utilizing items that contain fixings like argan oil, which will make your hair look gleaming and furthermore improve its surface after some time. Simply be certain you start with a modest quantity—fine hair can rapidly begin to look sleek if a lot of is applied.