It’s a common query with children who take up extra tuitions to score better marks in exams. They often find themselves in the confusion of dealing with three different study environments daily.
In school, tuitions, and home, not only the setting and environment differs, but also differs the concepts you are dealing with at a time, your mentor or guide, and the way of studying and teaching. For example, school demands your continuous attention for 6-7 hours with only a 30 minute break in between, and with a fun hour of games or extra-curricular activities once or twice a week. On the other hand, coaching classes asks for 2-3 hours of continuous attention without any break in between. And at home, you are free to study at your own will taking much longer or shorter breaks according to your and your parents’ whims.
So there has to be a plan which makes the transition of a student’s attention from school to tuition and then to home in a day easy. It is quite understood that a child just completes the homework given at school and tuition at home, and never explores the advantages of actual self-study.
Learning a concept at school, then some other concept at tuition, and revising both at home is a great idea which will fetch students decent marks, but how much over all development do they ensure is not clear.
So we see that there’s no way out of this school-tuition-home cycle unless you break it. Education industry is thriving these days because people feel the need of extra coaching for exceptionally good scores. They don’t understand that the best way to help their children learn is to let them come home from school with some ideas and help them make their own sense of those ideas and ideologies. You are the extra help that they require. And if they need any expert help, no teacher in school denies that, even if they have to deal with the student individually.