How can I make my new year resolutions successful? - letsdiskuss
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Preeti Taneja

Entrepreneur | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

How can I make my new year resolutions successful?


It’s that time of the year again, when with the 1st of January come 365 new opportunities to make yourself the best version that you can be. So many of us make big plans and promises about changing things about ourselves that we don’t like, but such few people are able to stick through with these promises. The key to making good resolutions that will be successful in the future is to actually list the things that are achievable by your standards. If you promise that in 2018 you will be the President of the United States, then I’m sorry to inform you, but that just won’t happen. Not because you aren’t capable but because Trump’s 5 year term is yet to continue (unfortunately). But on the other hand, say, you want to lose 5 kilos, then you’ve set yourself a very achievable goal and the next step would be to make a strategy that will enable you to achieve it, for eg, get a gym membership (if you are to pay for a service, than according to research, you are more likely to follow through with it), or start meal prepping the night before. That way you will be less likely to binge on unhealthy snacks when you feel hungry.

Lastly, remember that you won’t achieve any results if you’re not willing to work for anything. You can’t just sit around and wonder why you’re not viewing any positive development. Nothing will change, if nothing will change.


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