How can i reduced websites upload speed on google? - letsdiskuss
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Yogesh Dewedi

Developer | Posted on | Science-Technology

How can i reduced websites upload speed on google?


SEO Analyst | Digital Marketing at Picker online pvl | Posted on

Hello Sir,

There may be many reasons for the speed of the site to decrease on Google. If your site is mobile friendly then you need to pay special attention to it. According to Google algorithm rules, you have to keep updating your site's meta title, meta description, meta keywords. If your site is mobile-friendly, then it has been set different rules in the Google algorithm. You have to keep the on-page of your site regularly user friendly, attractive, and compliant with Google algorithm rule. If it is followed properly then your site will definitely be maintained.

Sometimes errors come in our favor. We must continue to explore it. And should be repaired. This may also be a reason for the speed drop. Using google webmaster we can detect different types of errors. This makes it easier to solve.


Blogger | Posted on

Many things you can do
Optimize image quality, Codes, Text, patterns, Design etc.

Use good cache plugins.


E commerce Company | Posted on

Hi Sir,

I will share with you my some points about reduced websites upload speed on google .

1. improve server time response time

2. optimize images

3. reduce redirects

4. fix java script, css, html etc.

5. Always start with website audit


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