How can I stay motivated? - letsdiskuss
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@Blogger | Posted on | others

How can I stay motivated?


Blogger | Posted on

1. Get around nice and motivated people.

2. Talk nicely to yourself.

3. Don't harm yourself.

4. Always stay happy and think positive.

5. See yourself best.



@Blogger | Posted on

Life is a journey full of ups and downs. Some instances make us happy, however there do exist others which can turn our smile upside down. At every stage of life we want to grow, we want to move ahead from what we presently are. Motivation plays a very important role in our everyday life. Motivation is just like the celebration of your efforts. It pushes us to stretch our limits. Because every time we move ahead, we learn and the time we learn, we grow. And, the best part about life is that it gives us the opportunity to make us better from what we were yesterday.

To stay motivated, a person must feel positive from inside. Unless and until you feel optimistic from inside you will not be able to do things successfully. There are few suggestions which you can read on and can practically try in your life:
1. Read books which are true sources of inspiration. Know your field of interest and keep your pulses cool.
2. Meet people, interact with them. Get to know about their different personalities.
3. Dance. Dance as if you are a free bird.
4. Eat good. Eat healthy.
5. Exercise. I know it is difficult but trust me you will definitely feel good after shredding those sweaty tears.


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