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Sneha Bhatiya

Student ( Makhan Lal Chaturvedi University ,Bhopal) | Posted on | Health-beauty

How can I take care of my curly hair so that it doesn’t look bushy, shabby, or frizzy?


Working with holistic nutrition.. | Posted on

Curly hair are beautiful, but problematic when it comes to caring. Shampooing makes them dry and brushing frizzy. Curly haired girls often look at those with straight, silky hair and think how easy their lives are. Also, when it comes to styling, there are not many options for curly hair.

But let me tell you one thing, curly hair don’t need any special styling. They are stylish and gorgeous naturally. All you need to do is take proper care of your curls and you are all set for any occasion.
Following are some tips that can help in taking care of you topsy-turvy curls:

• Pre-Shampooing: Always apply oil or conditioner to your hair before shampooing. The oil produced by scalp with curly hair gets used up before reaching the tips and consequently, curly hair need more moisture than normal hair. So providing them extra moisture before shampoo would be a good idea.

• Don’t use rough towels while drying your hair or rough pillow cases while sleeping. Curly hair are more delicate and hence, are more prone to breakage.

• Don’t shampoo your hair very frequently as it de-moisturizes your hair.

• Always use wide-teethed comb for combing curly hair and always buy a high quality comb.

• Avoid using hot air ***** dryers, curling irons, etc. And try washing your hair only with cold water.

• Serum and conditioners are the best friends of a girl with curly hair. So remember, less shampoo and more conditioner.
