Be yourself, yes indeed, be yourself and you will not need to pursue happiness. Being yourself is hard to understand to the average earthling who believes all happiness is derived from the acquisition of more and more and bigger and better possessions. Even when understood it is outright rebuked for a perplexing, nonexistent path to happiness. This nonexistent path to happiness is in satiating the “ego” and an innate “greed” that afflicts humankind.
You see, you were born happy, you came here happily, into happiness, and you have absolutely no need to pursue happiness. You begin to pursue happiness because despite your innate source of happiness you were conditioned (brainwashed) early in life to believe that all happiness is attained or accrued through the accrual of more educational qualifications, money, friends, opulence, and grandeur. So you are continually competing and striving to attain all these. And then the next level is to outdo everyone else and so the cycle goes on in the “journeying” towards happiness and never really living happily.
So the answer to your question is pretty straightforward, in the knowledge that ego, greed, avarice, and competitiveness cannot bring you happiness. It is rather in the knowledge that you are "happiness" and "happiness" is you.