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head cook ( seven seas ) | Posted on | science-technology

How do you add a tab space in HTML?



It's a question that most people never even think to ask-- how do you add a tab space in HTML? But many of us are wondering the answer to this question after we've been told by our bosses that we need to fix something and find out that the only way we can is by adding tabs. It's a simple problem, but not so simple answer.

Here's what you need to know:
1) You can insert an actual tab into your HTML code using the <tab> tag and </tab> tags. For example: <img</img>. Or, you can create a space by adding two less than signs on either side of a word or phrase: >>this is my text<<.



student | Posted on

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup language. To add a tab space in HTML, the following measures should be taken. use the special characters designed for different spaces. Use the size of the tab property for setting the tab characters. create a new class for spacing CSS ( Cascading Style Sheets ). A few more methods include; opening an HTML document and pressing space to add a normal space. Then, type &nbsp to force an extra space. Insert spaces of different widths according to our wish.




digital marketer | Posted on

Will teach you to do line breaks and space inserts in HTML. For example, if you press the space bar any number of times in HTML, only one space is visible, so if you want to put more than one space, you have to use HTML tags for this.

1 . Entering non-breaking space: Typically, in HTML it happens that you can press the space bar as many times as possible, but even then more than one space is not entered between words. To add more space, at the place where you want to enter the space, & nbsp; write.
  • For example, Hello & nbsp; there! When you type "Hello" and "There!" One more space will seen in between".
  • This is called non-breaking space because it prevents line breaks at its location. If you use this character again and again, then your browser will have trouble adding line breaks.
  • To add extra space, you & # 160; Can also write
2 . Insert white space of different dimensions. You can also insert long space using the options given below: [3]
  • Two spaces - & ensp; Write.
  • Four spaces - & emsp; Write.
  • Tab - Type in & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Write.
3 . Indent paragraphs via CSS: Margins set by CSS directly command the browser how to represent it, so if you & nbsp; If you use the tag, you will get even better results:
  • In the &lt;head&gt; &lt;/head&gt; section of your HTML document, insert these codes:
  • &lt;style&gt; p.indent {padding-left: 1.8em} &lt;/style&gt;
  • Now go back to the body of your HTML document. Now whenever you want to get an indent paragraph, then it should:<p class = "indent"> </p> Write inside the tags.
  • To adjust the number of indents in the indent paragraph, change the "1.8" number in the CSS code. After that, write "em", which is the standard for length related to font size.
4 . Prepare a line break. When you write a <br> after the line, the text that comes after you will start to see a line down, while writing the <br> before a line, between the line with that text and the line above it. There will be a gap in me.
  • For example, I am a walrus. <br> I have tusks. As a result of writing you have to write a separate line "I am a walrus." And "I have tusks." Sentences will appear.
  • If you want, you can create a lot of space by preparing a vertical line of <br> tag.
5. If needed, prepare a paragraph. If you have a large section filled with text that you want to use as a paragraph, then write <p> at the beginning of the paragraph and at the end </p> By writing, you will get a text which will look completely different from the other unformatted text on the page.
  • Although you cannot guarantee its style, many browsers separate paragraphs with a single blank line.
6 . To get the space, use pre-formatted text. By pre-formatting your text, you will write as much space in your HTML as it would on your HTML page (ie, four spaces On entering, four spaces will be visible). To pre-format any text, write <pre> in front of that text and </pre> at the end of the text.


| Posted on

The tab is just a whitespace as far as HTML is concerned.

Type &nbsp; to add a single space.

Type &ensp; to add 2 spaces.

Type &emsp; to add 4 spaces.