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If you are visiting the Middle East, knowing some Arabic can be very useful. It can help you get around town and even save your life in certain circumstances. Knowing a few key phrases is always a good idea, but we're going to go into some depth on this blog post and teach you how to say "Welcome!" in Arabic.
Labaik! is the word for welcome- it means "you have arrived." You would use this if someone came to your house or office. It's also used when people come back from a trip, like lost soldiers returning home at the end of WWII or college students coming home for summer break.
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Hey friends, many people feel interested in learning about different languages. It's exciting to start speaking in completely different languages. Because it is important to know different languages at the same time so that you can handle any situation very efficiently. Well, there are so many languages that people of different regions speak around us. Among so many languages, today we are going to discuss the Arabic language. You must have some or the other time heard about Arabic knowledge. Well is a beautiful language but today we are going to learn about how to say 'You are welcome' in the Arabic language.
The Arabic language is definitely one of the popular languages as it is spoken in almost 25 countries. But it is hard to grasp the language at the same time. You may wonder why? Because most of the Arabic people are taught the Fushah language mostly. Both Fushah and Arabic languages have different dialects and cultures. But the only similarity between them is the maintenance etiquette.
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Suppose, you need to shift to an Arab country due to some working purpose. Then the first and foremost thing that you must remember is manners. Your behavior should be decent that show full mannerisms from your side.
So whenever you are in an Arab, your behavior must always be very down to earth. As far as mannerism is concerned, you should be well aware of some of the Arabic words of Hello, How are you, Thank you, and welcome.
If you are a beginner and unable to understand where to start from, then you should start by saying the mannerisms like Hello, Please, Thank you, and you are welcome.
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According to the foreigners, the word 'thank you is very difficult to say but Arabs find it suitable that people of every religion can express his/her with the single word "shukran". Its English translation is thank you. However, there are several other words to express how grateful you are, like Mashkoor, Shakrun Jazeelan, Shukraan Ikteer, Ashkuruk.
So when someone thanks you, your duty is to say you're welcome in return. In Arabic, hi/are needed to utter the word 'Afwan'. Yes, the translation of You're welcome is Afwan. The word has been derived from the Fushah.
So we hope that you have understood our learning session about the Arabic language.
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