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Priya Gupta

Working with holistic nutrition.. | Posted on | Entertainment

How does a show like “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai” get 9 rating on IMDB?


Media specialist | Posted on

IMDB is a rating agency that does rate shows and films on the basis of users’ feedback. If 800 users out of 1000 rate 9 or 10 a particular show on their website, it will automatically get the rating around 8 or 9. The content of show has nothing to do with the rating.

“The Breaking bad” one of the highest rated shows on their website has rating of 9.5. But, did you notice one thing? More than 900,000 users have given their feedback that means this show has been watched by a majority of people and that makes its content is also good.

However, I am not saying this, Bhabi Ji Ghar Pah Hai content is not good. The show is very crispy and has some interesting episodes which at the end of the day you can enjoy!
