How Donald trump’s move to end work authorisation for H4 visaholders will impact on thousands of Indian? - letsdiskuss
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Aditya Singla

Marketing Manager (Nestle) | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

How Donald trump’s move to end work authorisation for H4 visaholders will impact on thousands of Indian?


News reporter (CEN News ) | Posted on

The Trump's move to end the work permit for H-4 visa holders could impact more than 70,000 Indians in the US. H-4 visas holders, who have work permits is issued to the spouse ofH-1B visaholders.

A majority of people from those are high-skilled professionals from India. They had obtained work permits under a special order issued by the previous Obama administration. According to that rule, Indian-Americans were a major beneficiary of this provision. More than 100,000 H-4 visa holders have been beneficiary of this rule in 2015 issued by the Obama administration.

H-1B visa holdersseek permanent resident status in the US to get settled down with their spouses and this process takes too much time, in some cases can take a decade or longer. Hence, the Obama administration allowed work permits for spouses who otherwise could not be stayed with H-1B visa holders.



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