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राहुल ओबरॉय

Engineer,IBM | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

How Much Kashmir Valley would have earned from Tourism, had there been no Terrorism in Valley?


Makeup artist at Jawed Habib | Posted on

Let’s get the facts clear. Jammu and Kashmir is one of the favorite destinations for tourists, ranking even higher than Gujarat, West Bengal and Telangana. In 2016, according to government records, nearly 13 lakh tourists visited J&K—a jump of 4 lakh from the previous year!

So, J&K does fairly good in terms of generating revenue. However, given the heavenly place it is, it evidently deserves to be in the top spot. Now coming to your question!

Understand that only a small part of Kashmir is struggling with terrorist attacks from pro-azaadi and Pakistan militants. The whole of Jammu is at peace and completely safe. So even when the violence is disrupting the tourism industry of this beautiful state, one can assume it’s doing that by very small margin.

So, even when terrorism in the valley is completely over, it would impact its tourism earning by not a very big margin. The industry will continue growing with the equal pace.

I think one of the reasons that stop many people from visiting Kashmir is the media perception. A large section of mainstream media has formed a perception that this state is in midst of a civil war like situation—that every individual there are terrorists and that they continuously try to attack the Indian army. This is not true. It is plain propaganda and jingoist approach to this whole issue.

Jammu and Kashmir is an extremely beautiful place where tourism industry is very important. Only a small part of the state struggles with violence—and these are places that share the border with Pakistan. If the violence simmers down completely, it will positively affect the tourism industry. But by not a big margin! This industry will continue growing with the same pace over the next decade.



Blogger | Posted on

As of late, our family went for a little while in Kashmir.

We were remaining close Jhelum River.

Inspite of Eid (A blessed celebration for Muslims) on fifth June, an autowallah was eager to take us to Dal Lake and even helped us in finding a shikara pontoon ride at limited costs.

What I locate that whatever they state on TV is simply 2% cynicism enlarged to 100%.

98% of Kashmir is protected and quiet spot to visit.