How much on field umpires get paid in IPL? - letsdiskuss
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Sumil Yadav

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How much on field umpires get paid in IPL?


Physical Education Trainer | Posted on

IPL is a bonanza for everyone! It is undoubtedly one of the biggest sporting leagues in the world. With a huge fan following in the nation, players, both international as well as domestic, IPL is a treat for everyone and not only players get paid well but umpires also get paid handsomely.

According to sources, Indian umpires easily earn around $2,900 per match or Rs 1.75 lakh. Delhi’s Chaudhary, who is one of the most experienced umpires in the IPL earned around Rs 50 lakh in one of the IPL editions.

As compared to on-field umpires, the third umpires earn a considerable less amount. Umpires' salaries are well-documented and most of the umpiresdo make good profit during the IPL matches which lasts for two months.
