How should one behave during the interview? - letsdiskuss
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@Blogger | Posted on | Entertainment

How should one behave during the interview?


@Blogger | Posted on

Interview etiquette is the foremost thing which the majority of the employers will never miss on. They actually showcase your personality even before you utter a single word from your mouth. I would suggest it is better to do self-assessment before you sit for an interview.

Let us go through the list:
1. Greetings – Do not forget to greet your interviewer. To keep the risk at a minimum, call them ma’am or sir. Not everyone likes to be called by their surname.
2. Mobile Phone – Make sure that your mobile is either switched off or is on the silent mode. Nothing would happen it will not use it for a while. After all, is a matter of your job.
3. Eye Contact – Maintain decent eye contact with everyone. The body language is extremely important for your interview selection. Your eyes will automatically convey your thoughts and will decrease your burden.
4. No place to be fake – Accept that fact when you do not know the answer to some question. The employer will prefer to hire a person who is able to confess his faults as this shows your zeal for learning.
5. Handshake – Do a firm handshake as this is a non-verbal way to establish a connection with others. It shows how confident you are.
So, there is nothing to be worried about. If you are prepared well, then keep your pulse normal and have faith in yourself. Think Positive. Keep motivating yourself.
Most importantly, never be overconfident.


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