How to be a happy go lucky person? - letsdiskuss
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Ruchika Dutta

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How to be a happy go lucky person?


Article writer, SEO Executive | Posted on

Five Ways to Become a Happy-Go-Lucky Person

Be a Little Silly. As I suggested in an earlier blog, unleash your silly every once in a while. ...

Choose Laughter. If it's either laugh or cry – choose laughter. ...

Find Joy. I love this quote by Henri J. M. ...

Smile. Happy-go-lucky people smile a lot. ...

Be Playful.


Student (B.A(h) Philosophy, Content writer(Fashion and beauty) | Posted on

We all want to feel happy and lucky person in this world. Happiness is the ultimate goal in the life. Permanent Happiness can only be achieved by doing something right and productive .

Some ways to make yourself a happy go lucky human are:

  • Stay with people who make you happy:Letsdiskuss

We are always happy when we are around happy people. Happy people are the one who rub off your stress ,makes you feel happy and lucky person when you're with them and don't let you feel down.

  • Accept the good things and people :

Accept whatever makes you feel happy and lucky person . Accept the good, good means good people, good deeds, good material things. As it is said that, ‘When you do good, good automatically comes to you.’

  • Listen to your heart:

You as an individual can know what you actually want to be happy and lucky person in life. When you listen to your heart and perform the actions accordingly you become the happy and lucky person.

  • Be open to change :

Open yourself for a good change. Change is always good to be a better human. If you want to become happy and lucky person, you need to learn to accept the changes around you.

  • Insist yourself not others:

Life is in your hand, whatever you do is your freedom of choice. So no one else is responsible for that. Be the person to push yourself to be happy and lucky person not others.

These are the tips you should know to be a happy and lucky person.