How to cast vote and how to complain against the breach in the Model Code of Conduct in the General Election 2019? - letsdiskuss
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Sneha Bhatiya

Student ( Makhan Lal Chaturvedi University ,Bhopal) | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

How to cast vote and how to complain against the breach in the Model Code of Conduct in the General Election 2019?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

General Election 2019 will see 8.4 crores first-time voters.

Casting your vote is fairly easy… The difficult part is ensuring no violation of the model code of conduct by political parties.


• Enter the polling station. Leave your phone, camera and any other electronic outside.

• First, your name on the voter list, as well as your voter ID, will be checked.

• Next, your finger will be inked. You will sign Form 17A. You will be given a slip.

• Finally, deposit your slip at the 3rd polling official. Your inked finger will be checked.

• Proceed to cast your vote.

• Take your time. You will see a list of candidate names, their serial numbers, party symbols.

• Press the ballot button of the candidate you want to vote for. You will hear a beep.

• You will see a slip on the VVPAT for 7 seconds which would include the details of the candidate that you have just voted for.

• You can also choose NOTA or None Of The Above, which is always the last button on the list.

Now, coming to the breach of Model Code of Conduct by political parties…

• Register your complaint to Election Commission against anything inside and outside the polling station that, in one way or, suggests to vote for any particular party…

• If you spot any party flag or writings on the wall, use your Smartphone to click pictures. And send those to pictures to the ECI.

• If you notice any political goon outside creating any ruckus, and police not taking apt action, complaint.

• If you notice anything wrong inside the polling station,complain.

• The act of being democratic doesn’t end by casting your vote. It continues with your actions of preserving that democracy.

Happy voting! :)


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