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Non-governmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations, or non government organizations, commonly referred to as NGOs,are usually non-profit and sometimes international organization independent of governments and international governmental organizations (though often funded by governments) that are active in humanitarian, educational, health care, public policy, social, human rights, environmental, and other areas to affect changes according to their objectives
It is very difficult to analyze about any NGO if it is fake or Real. In Indiathere are many small and big NGO' s working for various causes.
There are various ways to check the authenticity of NGO:-
1. The NGOs which receive grants from the government comes under the screening of RTI.
2. You can verify the registration as NGO's are given ID nos, they have tax exemption certificate to run their operations.
3. We can even ask for their annual reports which they can show to the people on demand to check where the money given to them is spent.
4. Genuine NGOs usually provide reports or updates on causes they work for so keep in touch with the NGO even after you have donated money – following up with them will ensure that the money you donated is being used for the right purpose.
5. The method of payment also plays an important part in verifying whether the NGO is authentic or not. The best and the most cost-effective way is to pay directly to the NGO either by sending a cheque or online.
6. After checking the credentials, there is the option to donate items. You can donate books, clothes, toys, etc. You can also choose to spend time rather than money.
Here are few Top Renowned NGO's In India
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Student | Posted on
NGOs play a huge role in our Indian societies. Nowadays people are also very eager to do charity so that they can make their country better. NGOs are also very important as it reaches to where the government is unable to reach. In India, we have a mixed population in terms of income, where the number of poor people is more than that of rich people. As India is slowly and steadily developing some sections of the society need to get highlighted like women rights, blood donation, child rights and more. But as they say, when we have a positive side we will also have its negative side.
Over time the number of NGOs has also increased resulting in fraud and cheating. There are various ways by which we can check the authenticity of any NGO. The first and the most authentic evidence to claim that the NGO is genuine is their ID number. Every authorized NGO is given a unique ID by the government. Secondly, the tax exemption certificate so that they can do their work smoothly. Then you can ask for the annual reports of the organization. As a donor, we are supposed to know where your money is going. They are liable to show their accounts to you. There is a government-operated NGO called Ngo Darpan, visit that site and you will get all the names and information of the government-run NGOs, these NGOs have a very less chance of being fraudulent.
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