how to create a strong bond with the one you love?? - letsdiskuss
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Rakesh Choudhary

@letsuser | Posted on | others

how to create a strong bond with the one you love??


Blogger | Posted on

Just stop complaining about stuffs they haven't put into actions and just start praising them , acknowledging them for being there and making things easy and just stay with them in every conditions and love them unconditionally.


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Makeup artist at Jawed Habib | Posted on

It is said that getting the love of your life is easier than making him/her stay, and rightly so. You can win someone by being what they like, but making them stay becomes a real challenge. The latter can be done only if you succeed in creating a bond so strong that leaving you becomes difficult for that person. So we come to your question, how to create this strong bond with the one you love.

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If you think that gifting expensive things and talking on calls for long hours is going to help you retain your relationship and strengthen your bond, then I’m sorry, you are on a wrong path. Instead, you need to find happiness in the most common things of each other and learn to share them. Here are some ways in which you can strengthen the bond between you and your partner:
  • Respecting each other’s hobbies, even if you don’t like it. Love’s first condition is acceptance. If you can’t accept them the way they are, you can’t love the truly.
  • In the matter of time, don’t go for quantity but for quality. How you spent time with your beloved is more important than how much time you spent.
  • Share clothes. It gives you a sense of belonging and keep them always on your mind.
  • Love is a natural force which will take its own time to grow. Time and space are the two things which you have to let be between yourselves.
  • Don’t try to make love a compulsion because it makes it enslaving and with time, suffocating too. Let them be free and be supportive in their decisions. Don’t try to dominate.


@letsuser | Posted on

To create a strong and lasting bond, you must be supportive of the one you love and avoid, at all costs, letting envy take over your emotions.


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