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Satindra Chauhan

| Posted on | science-technology

How to Get Rid of the Scratches on Your Glasses?


Life with glasses is never easy. Though you look cool, stylish as they say, handling it is very difficult. Your life is completely dependent on a single pair of glasses. Moreover getting scratches on them, makes your life hell. Removing them takes all your time and energy. Though there are costlier methods to do, you intend to choose the homemade methods first.


  • Baking soda

First step:- clean your glasses carefully with a lens cleaner and microfiber cloth and get rid of any debris and dust.

Second step:- take 1 to 2 teaspoons of baking soda and mix it with water to make a thick paste.

Third step:- apply the paste over the scratched areas of the lens using a cotton ball or a microfiber cloth then rub gently in a circular motion with the least pressure.

Fourth step:- once the third step is completely done, rinse the glasses properly with cold water to get rid of the remaining residue.

The last step:- then clean the lens once again with a lens cleaner and microfiber cloth and have great glasses again.

  • Toothpaste:-

Clean the glasses with a microfiber cloth. Then be careful to use a non-abrasive, non - gel, non - whitening toothpaste on the lenses and then rub gently. Toothpaste acts as a great scratch removal. Put a pea-size amount of toothpaste on the scratched area and rub gently it in a soft circular motion. Then use a cotton cloth or ball and keep rubbing it for sometimes and magically the scratches vanish. Rinse the eyeglasses with cold water and clear them with a clean cloth.

These are the easiest and non-costlier methods. Try these methods and see if the magic works and if not you can go for any other methods, some homemade or some costlier solutions.


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Scratches on your glasses can feel you so irritating. But buying new glasses can be costly. But if the scratches cannot be ignored then you have to buy new glasses. Before that you can try some tips like -

1. Don't leave glasses in Sun because high temperature can destroy the coating and damage to the coating can cause lens to look scratched and cracked.

2. Keep your handy cloth every time with you.

3. Always place the lenses face upward.

And some home DIYs -

1. Toothpaste - this is the best hack as everyone has toothpaste. Simply apply it and rub slowly.

2. Simply add water to baking soda and rub it.

3. Car wax .
