How to get rid of wife if found guilty on extra marital affair of wife's maternal parents abandoned her and husband doesn't want take her back? - letsdiskuss
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Rohit Valiyan

Cashier ( Kotak Mahindra Bank ) | Posted on | entertainment

How to get rid of wife if found guilty on extra marital affair of wife's maternal parents abandoned her and husband doesn't want take her back?


Student | Posted on

In a marriage commitment and trust are the key factors that play a major role in a couple’s relationship. When both these factors disappear between a relationship it causes divorce. There are many cases of divorce due to extra marital affair in India. In present situation, there is no law which can control and prevent extra marital relationships.


People need to understand that there is a huge difference between morality and legality. What is immoral for public may not be a punishable act. Now, you may ask the reasons for extra marital affairs in India. The reason could be anything like dissatisfaction with marriage, feeling alone or neglected in married life, falling out of love, less committed and so on. Not only these but few secondary reasons are also there for cheating in a relationship.

Now, there are several consequences of extra marital affairs which results in divorce between a couple. The person who has been cheated has a tendency to suicide in most of the cases as they think everything has ended for them. The victim could not trust anymore and feel depressed which shakes mental stability. According to astrology, there are several remedies for extra marital affairs which would help you to get rid of been cheated. Though it has no scientific reason but all remedies are based on your belief. You can take a Kumkum and spread it on the side of the bed of your husband and wear it next morning. Like these many remedies are present. Currently, there are multiple marriage cheating case in India.


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