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It is a simple, delicious, complete pastry formula that can be made effectively with exceptionally less Ingredients.
Its batter is set up with mawa, paneer, and universally handy flour and is plunged in the Sugar syrup to make it sweet, delicate and springy.
You can make it even without paneer if not accessible.
The credible formula is as per the following… .
# The Ingredients are… .
Mawa… .100 gram
2. Paneer… .50 gram
3. Maida… 25 gram ( generally useful flour )
4. Preparing pop… 1 squeeze
5. Hacked pistachios…
6. Desi ghee for searing
# Ingredients For sugar syrup…
Sugar… .200 gram
Water… 200 ml.
Cardamom powder… 1/2 tea spoon
Lemon juice… half lemon
# Method Of Making..
Simply disintegrate and smooth the Mawa and paneer independently and quite well with the goal that no splits ought to be there.
At that point blend universally handy flour and preparing pop… again ply it well.
Make a modest bundles of gulab jamun from the batter and fry them on a moderate medium fire till dull earthy colored shading.
In the wake of singing… Immediately plunge these balls in the hot Sugar syrup
Allow them to plunge and take out at the hour of Serving.
blogger | Posted on
Gulab Jamun is an ancient dessert. What’s not to love about deep fried dough suspended in a sugar solution? Each ball is about 150 calories. Usually a portion of 2 balls desserts that make up to 300 calories per serving. The average Indian dinner is 600 calories. Now, you have just consumed 50% of your feast calories as your dessert.
Also Read- Which dessert of Rajasthan is most famous and how to make it?