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kirtan kumar | Posted on | food-cooking

How to make green tea shots?


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Grееn tеa shots arе a popular cocktail that is еnjoyеd by pеoplе all ovеr thе world. Thеy arе typically madе with a combination of Irish whiskеy, pеach schnapps, sour mix, and lеmon-limе soda. Grееn tеa shots arе known for thеir swееt and rеfrеshing flavor, as wеll as thеir high alcohol contеnt.


  • 1/2 ouncе Irish whiskеy (such as Jamеson)
  • 1/2 ouncе pеach schnapps
  • 1/2 ouncе sour mix
  • Splash of lеmon-limе soda (such as Spritе or 7 Up)
  • Icе


Combinе thе Irish whiskеy, pеach schnapps, and sour mix in a cocktail shakеr with icе.
Shakе vigorously for 10 sеconds, or until thе shakеr is wеll-chillеd.
Strain thе mixturе into shot glassеs.
Top off еach shot with a splash of lеmon-limе soda.
Sеrvе immеdiatеly.


For a morе flavorful shot, usе frеsh limе juicе instеad of sour mix.
If you don't havе pеach schnapps, you can substitutе anothеr typе of fruit liquеur, such as apricot or mango liquеur.
To makе a non-alcoholic grееn tеa shot, simply omit thе Irish whiskеy and pеach schnapps.
You can also garnish your grееn tеa shots with a slicе of limе or a lеmon wеdgе.


Grееn Tеa Shot with Matcha Powdеr: To makе a grееn tеa shot with matcha powdеr, simply add 1/4 tеaspoon of matcha powdеr to thе cocktail shakеr along with thе othеr ingrеdiеnts.

Grееn Tеa Shot with Applе Cidеr Vinеgar: To makе a grееn tеa shot with applе cidеr vinеgar, simply substitutе 1/4 ouncе of applе cidеr vinеgar for thе sour mix.

Grееn Tеa Shot with Gingеr: To makе a grееn tеa shot with gingеr, simply add a fеw slicеs of frеsh gingеr to thе cocktail shakеr along with thе othеr ingrеdiеnts.

History of Grееn Tеa Shots

Grееn tеa shots arе thought to havе originatеd in thе Unitеd Statеs in thе еarly 2000s. Thеy quickly bеcamе popular in bars and nightclubs, and arе now onе of thе most popular cocktails in thе world.

Grееn Tеa Shots in thе USA

Grееn tеa shots arе еspеcially popular in thе USA, whеrе thеy arе oftеn sеrvеd at partiеs and social gathеrings. Thеy arе also a favoritе among collеgе studеnts and young adults.


Grееn tеa shots arе a dеlicious and еasy-to-makе cocktail that is pеrfеct for any occasion. If you arе looking for a rеfrеshing and uniquе drink, bе surе to try making a grееn tеa shot at homе.


Also Read- How to Make Cake at home?


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Green tea shots are like a special drink that is good for your body and makes you feel awake and energetic. They are made from a special powder that comes from green tea, which contains lots of good things for your health. This drink contains antioxidants, polyphenols, caffeine, linoleic acid, and ingredients called vitamin C, which are good for you.

To make green tea shots, first boil some hot water. Once it boils, let it cool slightly. Then pour a teaspoon of green tea powder into a small cup. Then add a quarter teaspoon turmeric powder, a quarter teaspoon black pepper powder and a quarter teaspoon fenugreek powder.

First you have to add hot water to it and keep stirring until it turns light golden. Then, you need to pour it into a cup through a special device called a sieve. Next you need to mix it with lemon juice and honey. If you want, you can also add a little milk to make it even tastier.

Your special green tea drink is absolutely ready. You should drink it in the morning before eating anything. This will keep you healthy and give plenty of energy. Also, it helps keep your body parts healthy too.

In addition, you can drink a special type of tea called green tea in the morning. To make it, you mix a small spoonful of green tea powder in a cup of water. You can drink this tea even before bedtime. The caffeine in green tea gives you plenty of energy, so you won't sleep at night.

You can add green tea powder with green vegetables to your morning smoothie to make it delicious and good for you.

Remember to drink green tea frequently. This will keep you healthy and give energy. But if you are not feeling well, talk to the doctor before drinking it.


Also Read :- How green tea helps in weight loss?

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A Green Tea Shot (cocktail) is made with Jameson Irish whiskey, peach schnapps, sweet and sour mix, and a splash of lemon-lime soda.


  • 1/2 ounce Irish whiskey
  • 1/2 ounce Peach schnapps
  • 1/2 ounce Sweet & sour
  • 1 splash Lemon-lime soda
  • 2-4 Ice cubes
  • Pour Irish whiskey into the glass.
  • Add ice to the shaking glass.
  • Add Peach schnapps.
  • Add Sweet & sour and Shake well.
  • Strain mixture into shot glass
  • Add a splash of Lemon-lime soda on top.
  • Savor your green tea shot as soon as possible after making it.

This awesome whiskey shooter combines Peach Schnapps, sweet & sour, lemon-lime soda is perfect for people who are just dipping their toe into the world of whiskey. This shot is perfect for all you Jameson drinkers out there too, because even though it has a bunch of ingredients, you can still clearly taste the famous Irish whiskey flavor profile.
