How to make suji halwa? - letsdiskuss
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Sameer Tewatiya

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How to make suji halwa?


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Today let us tell you about the easy method of making Suji halwa.

Material :-
Suji - one bowl
Sugar - a bowl (you can use sugar according to taste)
Ghee - half a bowl
Cardamom - 5 pieces
Cashew - 10-12 (finely chopped)
Almonds - 10-12 (finely chopped)
water - as per requirement
Method :-
First of all, take 2 cups of water and heat it by adding sugar and cardamom.
Now put ghee in a pan and heat it, after that add suji and fry it on low flame.
As soon as the suji is fried, add hot water with sugar and mix it well.
Keep the flame low and keep stirring the suji so that no lumps of suji are formed.
Now cook the halwa properly and put cashew almonds on top and mix it well for 2 minutes and then turn off the gas.
Suji halwa is ready.


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