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अनीता कुमारी

Home maker | Posted on | Food-Cooking

How to make thick curd at home?


Company secretary,MBA | Posted on

For any Indian meal, no thali is complete without curd/dahi. Curd rice is favourite among all specially for south Indians. If you want to make thick curd at home, I can share my tips with you.

What kind of milk to use –

If you want creamy and thick curd, then use full fat milk. While boiling make sure you do not add any water. Boil the milk and turn the gas to sim, and let it boil for 2 to 3 min. Off the flame let the milk come to room temperature. It must be lukewarm; too hot milk will not give you the best curd.

Starter for curd or culture

To set a good curd, starter must be fresh not too old. You need about a tsp of starter curd. Use the curd culture from previous curd mixture. Mix the milk with the whisk. To get an even thicker curd you can hang the curd starter and then add it to the milk.

Note – Adding whole green chilli to the curd along with the starter will also give you thick curd. It is tried and tested by me.

Note – Some people do add a pinch of sugar while setting the curd, but it’s optional.

Note – Make sure that the starter you are using must be kept at room temperature as well, it will prevent the watery substance in your curd.

Vessel for curd

You can use any kind of vessel, plastic or steel. But I personally prefer setting the curd in mud pots. It has a tendency to absorb the extra moisture and give you thick and creamy curd.
