How to survive a kitchen renovation? - letsdiskuss
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Jessy Chandra

Fashion enthusiast | Posted on | Science-Technology

How to survive a kitchen renovation?


Law Student | Posted on

Check below for some smart tips to make the renovation process as smooth as possible.

1. Save up some space for a temporary kitchen:
Pick up some corner of your house for a temporary kitchen. Do not pack away daily use appliances such as crock pot, toaster, oven, microwave, coffee machine and others. Ask a contractor to move your old fridge to a common room, which is easily accessible by everyone and create a makeshift kitchen with all the necessary appliances.
Or if you can invest in a mini fridge or a deep freezer, get one.

2. Set up a dishwashing station
Set up a dishwashing station back in the laundry room, where you can wash your daily used cooking equipment.
You can even go with disposable tableware such as disposable plates, cups and etc. As you will be needing more than you can imagine, so buy these disposable items in bulk. Make your moves easy by stocking up with disposable pantries like napkins, plates and all useful utensils.

3. Coping up with the dust
As we all know that all construction process produces dust, and the sheer amount is shocking. Hence, when your kitchen undergoes renovation, the dust produce might dirty your home.

Protect your home, the wall art and anything special. Cover your temporary kitchen areas either with a drop cloth or plastic sheets.

4. Plan a day out with friends
When your friends offer you a special hand and say, if there is anything, let them you, don’t just smile and brush it off. Instead get a day or night out with them. Offer them a pizza and drinks, and all they have to provide you with is a warm bed a fully functioning kitchen. Everyone needs a break from all the chaos and mess, and even one night would make them feel relax.

5. Elect a kitchen stand-in
Eating out all the time might affect your health, not to mention the pressure it can bring up to your budget. Therefore, even if you haven’t set up a temporary kitchen, it’s time for you set one up, somewhere out of the way of construction.

6. Sort out your kitchen apparatus
During the renovation, your cooking and eating routine might get disturbed, and if you’re a food lover, ruthless meals would be a challenge.
Keep things simple and sort out the kitchen tools you really can’t live without.

7. Cook your meal with small appliances
Portable appliances such as slow cookers, microwaves, ovens and coffee makers can really get you over the mealtime bulge. Hence, pack up all your large and space consuming appliances and use the ones which are easy to use and utilize less space.

8. Stock your backyard with packed food or non-perishable snacks
There may be a time when you won’t like to cook in your small temporary kitchen and would be starving for anything. Therefore, for such times snacks like peanut butter, crackers, dried fruits and etc. can save your empty stomach.
So stock up your backyard with all the good and preferred snacks.

9. Believe in the process and have patience
When the renovation is going on, believe in the process and have patience. Don’t overreact!
Do not stress over, about how you are going to manage for the time few weeks. Remember how you started. It would be a little tough to adjust at first, but as time passes, you’ll get used to.

10. Label a separate play area for kids
Any kind of renovation is disrupting, a kitchen renovation means that the central part of the house is in repair. Hence, a clean and tidy space will help you in running things smoothly.
Label a separate area for kids to play. Ask them not to come near the renovating area because they might end up hurting themselves.

11. Plan a trip
Plan a trip with your friends or family. If you wanted a vacation for a long time, now might be the best time, as you will be away from all the confusion, mess and discomfort. And if you plan to visit your relatives- you might get a chance to get a good home-cooked meal.

12. Remember the big day
Remember the big day! The day for which you sacrifice your comfort and make so many compromises and adjustments. In the final day, all these inconveniences won’t be a thing. These things wouldn’t stand anywhere in front of your new modulated kitchen.
Keep up with the kitchen bliss and treat it as a challenge.



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